+386 31 406 865

Wooden Furniture

of various kinds

We produce different types of furniture for different spaces and occasions, both large-scale and small projects.
We are also looking forward to new challenges.
About Us

We craft various wooden furniture

We use the highest quality and proven materials in the manufacture of our products. We combine materials with our knowledge and experience, so our products are of exceptional quality.

We are a family company with more than twenty years of carpentry tradition.




Want to Get in Touch?

Give us a Call

+386 31 406 865

+386 31 406 865

Our Goal

High Quality Solutions

We try to follow new practices within our field of carpentry, both in the field of technological innovation, machine upgrades, computer automation and all work processes.

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    We advise on the interior design of apartments and business premises. Architects and designers help us design equipment for businesses.
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    We use the highest quality and tested materials in the manufacture of our products. We combine materials with our knowledge and experience, so our products are of exceptional quality.
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    We manufacture custom furniture - interior furniture for residential buildings, shops, gas stations, hotels, hospitals, dormitories, public spaces of cruise ships and other equipment.
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    We gain experience both in Slovenia and abroad, in addition we also work with experienced experts - architects, designers, stonemasons, metalworkers, glaziers, upholsterers and installers.

Stages of our work

We always strive to ensure that projects are completed with quality and within the agreed time plan.

Receiving project
Overview of project
Project development
Finishing production

When we make the furniture we do it as if we were making it for ourselves

S pomočjo izbora na Javnem razpisu Spodbude MSP za razvoj in uvajanje novih produktov v lesarstvu 4.0 smo investirali v novo strojno opremo :

– Obdelovalni center CNC DYNESTIC 7535
– Mlin RÖSSLER MHR 510-1
– Formatna krožna žaga MARTIN T75
– Nagibni rezkar MARTIN T-27 Flex
– Kompresor ROTORCOMP RSF-PRO 2-11
– Lamelna korpusna stiskalnica CONCEPT 70 Primus
– Poravnalka debelinka SCM Linvincibile FS 7 – 2021
– Gravirni/rezalni stroj laser HS-1610
– Avtomatski stroj za vrtanje, vstavljanje lepila in moznikov CUBE 1300 RT1

ter hkrati razvili produkt »Terapevtski lok«.

Namen projekta je izboljšanje dinamične rasti podjetja, povečanje produktivnosti, dvig konkurenčnosti in utrditev položaja na domačem in tujem trgu.

Naložbo sofinancirata:

– Delno lastna sredstva
– Delno naložbo sofinancirata Republika Slovenija in EU iz Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj (eu-skladi.si)

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